LABOR ON THE MOVE: Lane Windham To Pursue History Doctorate:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)LABOR ON THE MOVE: Lane Windham To Pursue History Doctorate: Lane Windham is moving on from her current position as media outreach director of the national AFL-CIO to pursue a doctorate in U.S. history from the University of Maryland. Windham went through the Organizing Institute after graduating from Duke, and then went on to organize with ACTWU and then UNITE, helping workers from across the South form unions. She came to the AFL-CIO in 1998 as a media outreach specialist, and became director of the department in 2003.  She plans to study the history of how organized business has tilted our nation’s political economy so sharply against workers and their democratic organizations.  She is married to Joe Uehlein, former AFL-CIO staffer and musician, and they have a 4 ½ year-old daughter. Photo: Windham, Uehlein and daughter Anna Grace look over campaign literature in 2006.


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