DC Building Service Worker Support Spreads

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Two meetings in downtown office buildings this week brought office tenants together with security officers to discuss the working conditions of building services workers. The Washington Area Women's Foundation hosted the first meeting on Monday and American Rights At Work hosted another on Wednesday. Security officers spoke out at the meetings about low-pay, lack of benefits and job insecurity in their industry. The 2,000 private security officers in DC - mostly African American women - struggle to make ends meet on wages that start around $8 an hour and don't have access to affordable healthcare.  This March, DC security officers succeeded in pressuring employers to recognize their union and are now preparing for contract negotiations. Members of the Building Benefits project - a local network of tenants from two dozen downtown office buildings working to support the janitors, security officers and parking workers in their buildings - also presented specific ways tenants can help raise standards for building workers. The Project is currently working to support security officer contract demands and the DC Paid Sick & Safe Days Act under consideration by the DC Council. For more info, contact Mackenzie Baris. April security worker rally, photo by Andy Richards
-Reported by Jack Mahoney


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